《文語》 戦勝の感謝と記念にの英語
- as a thank offering and memorial of the victory
戦勝の: 【形】 victorious
不戦勝の組: bye team
戦勝の踊り: war dance
戦勝記念品: 1. token of victory 2. trophy
戦勝記念日: 1. Victory Day〔 【略】 V-day〕 2. anniversary of a victory 3. victory anniversary
戦勝記念碑: tropaeum
戦勝記念章: Victory Medal
感謝とともに振り返る: think back with gratitude on〔~を〕
記念に 1: 1. as a keepsake [memento] 2. as a memorial to 3. as a memory 4. as a token 5. for a keepsake 6. in memory 7. lest we forget 8. to commemorate 記念に 2 1. as a [in] token of 2. in commemoration (of) 3
本当の感謝: truest gratitude
戦勝を記念して: in commemoration of the victory
海戦勝利の記念柱: rostral column
文語: 文語 ぶんご written language literary language
心からの感謝: 1. heartfelt gratitude 2. heartfelt thanks 3. sincere thanks 4. warm appreciation 5. warm thanks
戦勝: 戦勝 せんしょう victory triumph